What's going on in Seth Godin's world

Seth Godin coined the term 'Ideavirus' some time back, and demonstrated how ideas can spread, and spread rapidly. I got infected with the Ideavirus and I'm following his latest since. Here is the collection of my thoughts on the subject of Ideas, customers, business, marketing, and Seth's riffs on anything he chooses to riff on.... including other powerful sneezers in the entire Ideavirus chain!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Pleasantly Puzzled by Google

It's not my birthday! But there is this Google gift (maybe I am gifted...) you can sample by Googling seth perspective as below:

But I prefer the sensational:

One 'blink' (Weblink) from me on Seth (Seth's perspective..) somehow gets the "I'm feeling lucky" spot ahead of the actual perspectives of that genius.

Maybe it all did start on my birthday. I have monitored this search phrase for over a month now, hoping (or dreading?) that it will go away. But the surprise remains, my most prized possession till date.

I leave it to the SEO experts to explain!


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