What's going on in Seth Godin's world

Seth Godin coined the term 'Ideavirus' some time back, and demonstrated how ideas can spread, and spread rapidly. I got infected with the Ideavirus and I'm following his latest since. Here is the collection of my thoughts on the subject of Ideas, customers, business, marketing, and Seth's riffs on anything he chooses to riff on.... including other powerful sneezers in the entire Ideavirus chain!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

On getting a passionate Nod from Kathy

I began my blogging journey a month back. It was a classic 'dip-stick' venture, narrowly limited to 'Customer centricity aspect of CRM' - my domain expertise and hence my passion!!

I still continue with Consulting for Success; reaching out to, and influencing a niche audience. But to expand my horizon I latched on to Seth's blog - and through him to other powerful Idea(virus) propagators like Kathy Sierra.

How your product can inspire The Nod is both a revelation, and hopefully a revolution! I realized that The Nod was the precursor to my 'Create Staunch Advocates' message to the Business Leaders. And so contributed the following comments:
  • The 'nod' comes only from the users who have had 'great experiences', in addition to the 17 (or 16??) attributes listed above!! Else the empathetic 'nod' will be the sympathetic 'I feel your pain' instead.
    And my strong belief is that not only should companies 'help users be remarkable'; but take it to the next step where 'the users help other users be remarkable' - the next step of creating staunch advocates!!

Today I went back to Kathy's musings, and was pleasantly surprised by her similar thoughts on the linkage between The Nod and the Advocate! (Kathy Sierra on how your product can inspire The Nod), an excerpt:

  • Rajas: "And my strong belief is that not only should companies 'help users be remarkable'; but take it to the next step where 'the users help other users be remarkable' - the next step of creating staunch advocates!!"
    What a wonderful extension of this idea! I'm nodding vigorously... (although in more of an enthusiastic YES YES YES way)
Expanding my horizon seems to be paying off!! Thanks Kathy.



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